How to see Breakpoint Window
To see breakpoint window we need to navigate Debugg->Windows->Breakpoint
Sometimes breakpoint not work because of code owner make debugg settings like "Enable Just My Code(Manage Only)" ,as a result of it other people when they try to debugg the code they unable to debugg the code. To Enable the debugger we need to navigate Debugg=>Options & Settings and Uncheked the "Enable Just My Code(Manage Only)" checkbox.
First we need to go Project properties and enable the debugging
1>Rigth click on the project in solution explorer.
2>click on the property pages.
3>click on the Web option tab.
4>Under debugger make sure that checkbox is checked.
Here we need to ensure that project is running from "IIS Web Server"
instead of "Visual Studio Development Server"
Then we need to enable debugging in the web.config file.
1>open the config file .
2>set the debugg=true
Now enable the Asp debugging
1>Right click on the iis=>Default Web site
2>Click home directory tab and then click on the configuration
3>Click the Debugging tab, and then select the Enable ASP server-side script debugging check box.
4>click on Send detailed ASP error messages to client if
we want the detailed of the debugging information
we want the detailed of the debugging information
5>click Ok