Saturday, November 5, 2011

SSIS Lookup Control Implementation

SSIS[SQL Server Integration Services] Brief:
To work with SSIS we need to install SQL Server Business Intelligence Development studio.
When we open a package in the BIDS tool we get 3 tabs.
i)Control Flow.ii)Data Flow.iii)Event Handler.
In Control Flow section we do some control operation like Execute Task,Data Flow task,Foreachloop Container and so on and In Data Flow control we do data conversion,data transformation,data manipulation .

Here in the following I have demonstrate how to use Lookup control.
1>First take a Execute SQL Task in Control Flow tab.
2>Right click on the interface to add variable.

3>Right click on the Execute SQL Task. Select the connection. Select the source type. Here we can Put direct input as well as variable .In case of variable point the variable from the drop down.

4>Take a Data Flow task. Double click on it Data Flow control tab open.
5>In Data Flow control take a Excell Source. Right click on it and add the connection manager.

6> Select Colum from the left navigation. Select those column which we want to pass.

7>Now take a Data Conversion control. Right click on it and specify the destination data type.If Destination data type is varchar then it will be string[DT_STR]]
8>Now take a Lookup control select General. Specify Cache Mode as No Cache and Redirects Rows to match output.

9>Select Connection tab from left navigation. Specify the connection manager and chose the table on which the lookup will be perform.
10>Select Columns from the left navigation and specify which field are taken place for lookup comparison.

11>Now from the lookup control one destination is taken for match rows and another destination is Taken for unmatched rows.

12>In the above picture two derived column is taken. One derived column is taken to specify data conversion error and another is taken to specify data conversion error. One Union ALL control is taken Which accumulate all the error and sent to a flat file destination .

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Page Life Cycle

Here I have listed how the event is fire in page life cycle
OnInit Event Fire On a Page Life Cycle
i) Master Page User Control-init
ii) Page User COntrol-init
iii)Master Page -init
iv) Page - init

Page Load Event Fire On A Page life Cycle.
i) Page -Load
ii) Master Page-Load
iii)Page User Control - Load
iv) Master page User COntrol - Load

Data Binding Event Fire On A Page Life Cycle
i) Page - DataBinding
ii) Master Page - DataBinding
iii)Page User Control - Data Binding
iv) Master Page User COntrol - DataBinding

Unload Event Fire On A Page life Cycle
i) Master Page User Control-Unload
ii) Page User Control-Unload
iii)Master Page -Unload
iv) Page - Unload

A pictorial Presentation Of page life Cycle

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Why Breakpoints are not working in Visual Studio .net

How to see Breakpoint Window
To see breakpoint window we need to navigate Debugg->Windows->Breakpoint
Sometimes breakpoint not work because of code owner make debugg settings like "Enable Just My Code(Manage Only)" ,as a result of it other people when they try to debugg the code they unable to debugg the code. To Enable the debugger we need to navigate Debugg=>Options & Settings and Uncheked the "Enable Just My Code(Manage Only)" checkbox.

First we need to go Project properties and enable the debugging
1>Rigth click on the project in solution explorer.
2>click on the property pages.
3>click on the Web option tab.
4>Under debugger make sure that checkbox is checked.

Here we need to ensure that project is running from "IIS Web Server" instead of "Visual Studio Development Server"
Then we need to enable debugging in the web.config file.
1>open the config file .
2>set the debugg=true

Now enable the Asp debugging
1>Right click on the iis=>Default Web site
2>Click home directory tab and then click on the configuration
3>Click the Debugging tab, and then select the Enable ASP server-side script debugging check box.

4>click on Send detailed ASP error messages to client if
we want the detailed of the debugging information
5>click Ok